Is Gambling A Genetic Disease Rating: 5,0/5 6805 reviews
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STUDY TITLE: Genome-wide Association Study of a Quantitative Disordered Gambling Trait

Abstract Pathological gambling (PG) is an impulse control disorder and a model ‘behavioral’ addiction. Familial factors have been observed in clinical studies of pathological gamblers, and twin studies have demonstrated a genetic influence contributing to the development of PG. Gambling disorder is more common among younger and middle-age persons than among older adults. Among adolescents and young adults, the disorder is more prevalent in males than in females. There is a growing literature suggesting the involvement of genetic factors in disorders related to pathological gambling, such as alcoholism, substance abuse, and smoking.22 Studies with clinical.

SUMMARY: Discovery of 6 genetic variants associated with the development of gambling disorders.

OVERVIEW: When most people think of gambling, they typically think of casinos or lottery tickets. But, gambling comes in many more forms. Even activities such as playing bingo can be considered forms of gambling. While gambling is common, gambling disorders can affect an individual’s life and well-being. Signs of gambling disorders include needing to bet increasing amounts of money to feel excited, being unable to quit, and jeopardizing work or relationships because of gambling. Overall, the heritability of gambling disorders may be well over 50%. To identify genetic variants associated with gambling disorders, this study analyzed genetic data of over 1300 Caucasian individuals. The researchers found 6 variants across 4 unique regions of the genome. One of the discovered variants was in the MT1X gene, which has previously been linked to alcohol and opioid addiction.

DID YOU KNOW? A 2004 study found that individuals living within 10 miles of a casino had a rate of gambling disorders nearly double the rate of individuals living further away. [SOURCE]

  1. Scientific and technological developments in genetics also have advanced understanding of why and how people develop gambling disorders. The study of family history is one way to investigate the inheritance of traits or disorders. Download this fact sheet to learn more about the role genetics play in developing a gambling disorder.
  2. In the article, Howard Shaffer, M.D., the Institute’s director claims, “While there is a genetic predisposition for gambling addiction, the predisposition isn’t specific.”.

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SAMPLE RESULTS: Learn more about the Nebula Research Library.

DISORDERED GAMBLING-ASSOCIATED VARIANTS: rs8064100, rs12237653, rs11060738, rs10812227, rs9383153, rs12305135

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WEEKLY UPDATE: July 21, 2020

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