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It does not matter in what market you are trading, it all comes down to luck. Even professional traders will agree to this statement, as there is no way you can certainly tell what the euro will do today. This shows that there is no such thing as classified forex secrets. You can invest time in studying different tools and all the technical instruments day and night, and it still leaves you with some risk in forex trading of valuta handel. You will still be confronted with the so called Forex gambling.


Forex is completely gambling as like you are doing it in Casino, but Casino is better than forex because Casino is based on your luck but forex is man made machine which want you to loose only. (hungry of SL and opposite trend to your order)! Documents Everywhere Forum - Member Profile Profile Page. User: Casino texas holdem poker vs dealer, casino texas holdem poker rules, Title: New Member, About: Casino texas holdem poker vs. Gambling: An Overview. How many times during a discussion about finances have you heard someone say, 'Investing in the stock market is just like gambling at a casino'? I have tried both. Profitable is a strong word. Investing 100 dollars into forex, you may get only 5–10 dollars in a short time compared to getting 70–90 dollars in binary trading. 400% Deposit Bonus. The 400% deposit bonus will look very tempting at first glance but beware of Forex Trading Vs Gambling the terms & Forex Trading Vs Gambling conditions. You have to ask yourself the question why an online casino Forex Trading Vs Gambling would Forex Trading Vs Gambling give out such a huge percentage. Many times Forex Trading Vs Gambling it’s because the bonus comes with.

So having explained that, let’s compare Forex trading and playing online casino games. The great thing about playing at online casinos is that it is very simple and they offer a variety of games that brings some sort of excitement in the life of a gambler. There are times when you win more than $200 and something you lose all your money, in this case you just have to accept it and move on.

Casino Vs Forex Broker

Moreover, when you play at a online casino quite often in one week with the idea of getting rich fast is basically putting yourself in a danger zone. The thing is the key to be a happy gambler, is to enjoy and appreciate the great quality and experience that the games offer. You have to understand that online casino games are designed to make you lose, so you need to mentally prepare yourself for that to happen, hence never play with the idea of winning big when you can not afford to lose money!

When looking at forex trading of valuta handel you must look at it from a totally different perspective. You have to change your way of thinking because here you’re in it to win it because you expect to make profit! When trading in Forex, you have to be able to make predictions for different market movements and this requires a lot of knowledge. You will not be able to expect to become rich without putting in hard work.

Casino Vs Forex Strategy

So if you are an online casino player looking for a a challenge, trading in forex could be the best choice for you. You can enjoy the same excitement and adrenaline online casino games offer, except here you will have to learn new strategies in order to improve and become successful. There are many forex traders that make trading their source of income. Would you dare to try it out?

Many people, even experienced traders, think that it’s scary to get involved in the foreign exchange (often called forex or fx) or futures markets. Although they are complex markets, after understanding the respective potentials, benefits, risks, and costs of each, you can make an educated decision about the markets you want to trade on in the future.

In 2016 the forex market averaged $5.1 trillion in daily trading volume. This includes the common exchange of one currency for another. However, this common exchange does not produce the majority of the volume. Forex is traded based in pairs, which are broken down in a base/quote relationship. Among the most often globally traded currency pairs by volume are EUR/USD, USD/JPY, AUD/USD, and USD/CAD.

For example, the current EUR/USD is 1.3333, meaning you would pay 1.3333 U.S. dollars to purchase 1 Euro. If the rate changes to 1.3500, then selling back 1 Euro would yield 1.3500 U.S. dollars.

Forex spot trading is a type of trading using the current rate, which can be compared easily to futures trading.

The Benefits of Trading FX Spot

Some of the greatest aspects of forex trading include the extremely high liquidity, lack of expiration dates, and accessibility of the market. The forex market is open 24 hours a day 5 days a week, from 5 p.m. EST on Sunday until 4 p.m. EST on Friday. This is possible because the forex market is de-centralized and ran by banks globally. Other benefits of the forex market include large leverage factors and fewer fees and commissions.


Brokers may offer very high leverage, even up to 1000x. By putting a total of $50-$100 at risk, that could allow for an effective $50k-$100k notional investment. This opens the opportunity to take large risks in speculation of world markets and earn larger profits. Brokers have highly competitive pricing and are usually cheap. The typical fee is relative to the spread.

The Risks of Trading FX Spot

With increased leverage comes increased risk. Leverage may increase the potential for gains, but likewise, it increases the potential for loss. A second risk is due to unreliable brokers scamming clients. Keep in mind that banks in different countries have different regulations for trading. Knowing these regulations is imperative before choosing a broker. These unreliable brokers can work against the investor and profit from your losses. Finally, with $5 trillion in traded daily forex global volume large players, banks, and hedge funds have a natural advantage at influencing the price.

Futures are a contract made in the present to buy or sell an asset at a future date for an agreed price. Standardized in 1865, all futures contracts must consist of the quantity, delivery date, currency involved, and the unit of measurement of the asset traded. The most traded futures contracts include S&P 500 E-Mini, 10-Year T-Notes, Nikkei 225 Mini, Euro-Bund, and Crude Oil.

These contracts can be exercised at expiration, or the position can be closed out by purchasing the opposite position at any time. If you were purchasing corn and didn’t want the corn anymore, you would need to sell corn at the same delivery date and quantity.


More about futures trading in this post: Futures 101

The Benefits of Trading Futures

The main benefit of futures contracts is that costs are fixed in advance. However, at any point during the length of the contract, you can realize your gain/loss. This is possible due to the freedom of the futures market. You just simply write a contract in the opposite direction and allow them to cancel out. The benefit of the futures market is that due to the large volume, the market is extremely liquid, and you can almost always find someone to take the position opposite of yours. As always, a market involving leverage has the potential for large gains and large losses.

The Risks of Trading Futures

Futures are considered riskier than traditional stock trading due to the high leverage and potential for losses. In futures trading, the price of the asset is determined daily at the close. The profits and losses are then settled among the positions. During this settlement, accounts can expose themselves to the risk of margin calls.

In Summary

Both forex spot and futures trading provide large leverage towards making trades. Similarly, both markets are open for most if not all of the day during the week, and allow for trading to occur whenever it suits you. They differ in what they trade and in how those assets are valued in a market. Both markets rely on speculation and expose the investor to various risks and benefits.

FX SpotFutures
ExposureGlobal policies and politicsAssets and commodities
Market Hours5pm Sunday – 5pm Friday (ET)6pm Sunday – 4pm Friday (ET)
Price determinationDetermined in relation to other currenciesAsset value is determined daily. Contracts state exchange rate for asset.
Type of exchangeCentralized exchange across banksRegulated exchange
Broker risk Unreliable brokers can scam investors. Ensure you select a broker that has your best interest at heart.Low risk due to the regulation of the exchange. Brokers need to follow the set rules.